Marco Guanilo – Owner – Personal Trainer

Marco Guanilo – Momentum Fitness NYC Owner, Kettlebell & Strength CoachA trainer since 2001, Marco has over 20 years experience training everybody from office workers and stay at home moms to major celebrities and CEO’s as a Tier 3 trainer for Equinox Fitness Clubs in NYC.  Marco uses his vast knowledge and experience of many different tools of the trade such as Kettlebells, Clubbells, TRX and Gymnastics Rings to design some of the most creative and effective training sessions you will ever experience.

Marco is a Corrective Exercise and Injury Rehabilitation specialist who uses his knowledge of the body and its movements to help post-Physical Therapy patients get back on top of their game after completing their road to recovery.  Using his extensive knowledge of bodyweight training and calisthenics under the Progressive Calisthenics Certification(PCC)Marco can design an optimal program to get you from rehab to to safe and effective resistance training.

For all you crossfitters out there, Marco is a USAW Sport Performance Coach specializing Olympic Weightlifting to help you perfect your form and prevent any injuries when trying to crush your WOD.

Looking to get into Kettlebell training or to strengthen your form and technique?  Marco is a Senior RKC Instructor and has several years under his belt both using and training with Kettlebells as well as travelling the world to certify other personal trainers on how to use these amazing fitness tools.

Marco is also Pre/Post Natal Certified and has many excellent references from several happy mothers who trained with him before, during and after their pregnancies.

View all personal trainers at Momentum Fitness.


  1. NASM-CES – National Academy of Sports Medicine – Corrective Exercise Specialist
  2. Senior RKC – Senior Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor
  3. PCC – Progressive Calisthenics Certification
  4. USAW – USA Weightlifting Sport Performance Coach
  5. TacFit – Tactical Fitness Certification
  6. DVRT II – Dynamic Variable Resistance Training – Level 2
  7. CFSC – Certified Functional Strength Coach
  8. Pre/Post Natal – Certified Pre & Postnatal Fitness Specialist
  9. FMS – Functional Movement Screening Certification
  10. TriggerPoint Therapy – TriggerPoint Therapy Myofascial Release Certification

Request a Complimentary Personal Training Session with Marco

What’s Included in Your Free Personal Training Session?
One-on-one fitness consultation with an expert trainer
Goal-setting session to customize your training plan
Guided workout experience based on your needs

How It Works:
1️⃣ Fill out the request for a complimentary personal training session form. 
2️⃣ We’ll match you with the best trainer for your needs.
3️⃣ Start your fitness journey with expert coaching.

Request a Complimentary Personal Training Session
